Tuesday, May 30, 2006


...and these are the characters that I'm trying to develop for an animated series. subject to change (in order to get a network to sign them up!) It's a story about an indigenous south american family and their mystical adventures whilst traveling on the nomadic trail through the jungles and mountains to the rich southern coast..... more later.

Narnia Titles Pitch

Here is some more artwork that i created for a pitch. It was a real labour of love as it was for a particular favourite of mine.
You can't win 'em all, but it was a thrill just to get a chance to contend for it!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hitchcock boards

These are a bunch of designs i came up with for a pitch recently. It was an Ident with a hitchcock type feel to it all.

drawing of the day

Saw this guy on the tube this morning.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

from the cafe window

quick sketches.


....And some more. I'm currently working on some script ideas for a cartoon series so i find i'm drawing loads of faces at the moment. i think i know the guy with the blue hair.... french guy, Eric.

Long time no speak.

A lot of water has passed under the bridge since my last update. I have been so busy working on getting the bills paid that i haven't had much time to chill and get some more sketches up here. Anyhoo here is a bountiful update that should compensate for the lack of drawings of late. These are characters i have drawn daily, people on the underground, cafes etc. there are so many different ethnicities in London which make for great drawing. enjoy!

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